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What would life be without friends and people who support each other?
Definitely more lonely. And many big and small ideas and plans could often not be realized.

For our project in Uganda we need your support, practical and financial. About 50% of our project is funded by the state of Germany, the remaining costs are covered by donations.


We are very grateful for your support - whether as a one-off donation or a regular contribution, even seemingly small amounts help.


Donation account:

Christliche Fachkräfte International e.V.

Evangelische Bank eG Stuttgart

IBAN DE13 5206 0410 0000 4159 01


Purpose of use: Trautmann, Uganda+ donor address


About us

We, that is Christine, Andreas and our two children. We are moving to Kampala, Uganda for three years. This blog gives insights into our life, our work and our travels.


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